What Is IDMarco
On the operation, IDMarco working with his sister company that have hundreads of warehouse all across Indonesia that running for their offline bussiness on the same industry. Each of their warehouse or we called it Stockpoint is unique as they has their own product list, inventory, and price for each product. Their stockpoint also have their own coverage of service for the delivery so they can maintain their shipping cost as low as possible. With that being said, their infrastructure allow them to push the shipping cost as low as possible to supply retailer all across the country by shipping the customer order from the nearest stockpoint from their location. As the price and product availability different for every stockpoint, they have to group their customer based on their location so the price and stock availability match their nearest location’s warehouse or we called it Stockpoint. As handling the operation itself already need a lot of resources, they also using ERP for their management record.
This is where things get more interesting. They have separate inventory and price for each product each stockpoint and provide product listing on the customer frontend according to their address where the system will automatically adjust the product and price available for them to the stockpoint within their location or the nearest stockpoint available. To be able to do this, Solutech Construck a system that constantly connected with the ecommerce that manage all the stockpoint, price, and inventory separately and giving the information to the ecommerce system to show what data is related to the customer. This particular system also connected all the transaction that happen within the system automatically to the ERP that IDMarco using.